Our networks and cooperatives

Our production of raw materials and ingredients is organised in a structured, certified network of farmers and partner cooperatives in Madagascar.
Our local teams provide farmers with daily assistance and support through their presence in the scrubland, sometimes in very isolated areas. Elles déploient les outils nécessaires au développement de nos coopératives-partenaires et à l’amélioration des conditions de vie des paysans.
In addition to the structure:
Technical support with the administrative set-up and organisational needs
Harmonisation of quality and purchase criteria
Dissemination of good agricultural and hygiene practices

Improvement of revenue
To better promote their products and control their future:
Fixing of fair prices and definition of a long-term vision
Dissemination of transformation know-how
Funding for organic, Fair for Life and For Life certifications.
Augmentation de la capacité de production
In order to improve cooperative resiliency:
Pre-funding and distribution of seeds and cuttings in cooperation with NGOs and partner institutions
Simplification of cultivation techniques in order to increase yield
Development of community shops to improve logistics
Diversification of crops in order to increase and ensure the security of sources of revenue

Presentation of our Turmeric network in Brickaville
Download the poster published by our Development department: “Sustainable Development Project Model”
This network is composed of 755 producers. It was established in 2016 and mainly produces turmeric but also cinnamon and ginger.
Production via cooperatives provides producers with a fair, stable income.
Evolution in the production of turmeric in this network since its creation:
2016 : 2 tonnes
2017 : 22 tonnes
2018 : 53 tonnes
2019 : 70 tonnes
2020 : 100 tonnes

Example of actions within this network
As part of the DeveloPPP project, in partnership with GIZ, a training session was held in October 2019.
The producers were given tools and taught managerial tools. They developed sales and entrepreneurial skills. Ils ont acquis des compétences commerciales et entrepreneuriales.
The goal is to professionalise the farmers who are members of cooperatives, as part of a fair approach which is beneficial to everyone.
Our local teams regularly travel to this rural area to provide training, monitor conditions and support partner cooperatives. Specific actions and events organised include:
Education on environmental matters
International Women’s Day: reforestation action
Participation in the “one student, one tree” project
Are you looking for a producer of Madagascan spices? Do you have questions about our networks of farmers and agricultural cooperatives in Madagascar?